Samba and HSM

David Collier-Brown David.Collier-Brown at
Fri Jan 12 20:29:09 GMT 2001

Andrew Cherry wrote:
| This of course goes under the assumption that each user/client
| combination should have only one smbd process.  Can anyone think of
| any situations where a single user logged onto an NT workstation
| have more than one SMB connection open to the same server?

	Yes, but the SMB spec **specifically** says you're
	allowed to restrict to just one.

	The two-connection case is rare, and NT tries to
	keep you from making more than one connection. 
	Two connections were once used here for secretaries
	connecting as both themselves and as their bosses...

	Give me a call or send me your phone number: we should
	talk about this by voice...

--dave (wearing his Sun hat) c-b
David Collier-Brown,           | Always do right. This will gratify 
Performance & Engineering Team | some people and astonish the rest.
Americas Customer Engineering  |                      -- Mark Twain
(905) 415-2849                 | davecb at

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