really FRUSTRATED...
mjs at
Tue Feb 27 01:49:27 GMT 2001
i would like to thank first the people tha been trying to help,..but
unfortunetely i haven't seem to get this working...
let me explain this again,...I want to join a win2k DC to samba...i first
added the computer account on the win2k server ..
second i stared the smb daemons,..which seems fine, when i run
smbpasswd -j digicon (domain) -r digicon (netbios name)
i run into problems.....
now so you know when i go to properties of my computer and click on network
identification tab to find out my netbios name....this is where i run into
my FQDN is
domain -->
so -j would be digicon (domain) right??
and -r digcon also...or
please help with this , loosing whats left of my mind...
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