mohideen at
Fri Feb 23 11:51:32 GMT 2001
We have installed RedHat LINUX Server 7.0 and Samba 2.0. We tried connect the Linux Server with other Windows 95/98
machines using Samba. We modify the smb.conf file by seeing the instructions in samba docs,also we modify the Windows 95/98
machine's TCP/IP, Micorsoft Client for networks. We start samba in Linux machine,its working fine. Now we want a detailed
step by step information knowing how to access the windows machine( Hard disk) in the Linux Server where samba is loaded
and how to access the linux server (hard disk) in the Windows machine. We tried, we see the listing of Windows machine's
name in the samba server when we use the command smbclient -L host. Also we couldn't see the name of the linux server in the
network neighborhood of Windows machine.
how to solve this and access both machines.
With regards,
Pls reply to mohideen at
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