samba in a separated subnat again
Mester Ákos
mester at
Mon Feb 19 08:52:32 GMT 2001
Hi all!!!
I replay my message, if zou don't understand what I want, please tell me
what is not clear!!!
Please if zou have any idea, tan tell it to me
So I have a very big problame. I can't imagine what I do wrong. Maz be it is
not samba probame, maybe firewall. I hope someone have met with my problame.
Our network looks like this small draw
l195.16.25.58 l-----Internet
l192.168.50.254 l-----downstair(192.168.50/254)
l192.168.41.254 l-----office(192.168.41/24)
l192.168.60.254 l-----Sales(192.168.60/24)
l192.168.30.254 l-----Samba server( one machin on this subnet
So smb.conf include the follow important lines
remote announce =
hosts allow = 192.168.
preferred master = yes
domain master = yes
domain logons = yes
logon script = %u.bat
wins support = yes
I tought that it will working, if I give the remothe announce and the wins
support but it dosen't do it.
On the packet filter firewall have a rull
ipchains -A input -s -d -j ACCEPT
ipchains -A output -s -d -j ACCEPT
I think it accept every communication on all ports in all local subnet.
It is a 2.0.6 samba
If I sniff the packet on th lan adapter of samba I see that It send
netbios-dgm packet to the other subnet.
I tought trouble was that, somehow it wasn't accept the 137,138,139 ports so
I do a little bit redundant ruls I accep this port on every eth devices in
the FW
But no effect
If I Find computer on my client, I find it.
I don't know, why don't I see the server in my browse list. And the srangest
thing, sometimes it is appear in the browse list for half an hour after
WHILE ??????
Thenks your help
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