Newbie: Need help
Daniel_Casey at
Daniel_Casey at
Wed Feb 14 20:00:35 GMT 2001
So you do have nmbd and smbd listening on port 137 and 139?
Make sure they are either via the /etc/inetd.conf setup or
by setting up a script to kick off nmbd -D and smbd -D.
Also, get SWAT setup and running, it will make life much easier,
at least it did for me.
To setup authentication to an NT domain, you have to run:
(This is from the docs/textdocs/DOMAIN_MEMBER.txt doc)
In order to join the domain, first stop all Samba daemons and run the
smbpasswd -j DOM -r DOMPDC
as we are joining the domain DOM and the PDC for that domain (the only
machine that has write access to the domain SAM database) is DOMPDC. If
this is
successful you will see the message:
smbpasswd: Joined domain DOM.
You'll have to get your NT admins to allow you to join the domain
first and get the domain name and domain server's hostname.
Here is the [global] section of my smb.conf from
this was version 2.0.7 of Samba compile on this box running Sun Solaris
# Global parameters
workgroup = DOMAIN01
netbios name = SERVER01
server string = Server01
security = DOMAIN
encrypt passwords = Yes
update encrypted = Yes
password server = domdev00
debug level = 2
log file = /var/samba/log/log.%m
max log size = 50
dns proxy = No
And then make your shares available to whoever needs access:
comment = Apps files
path = /home/apps
valid users = @appsgrp
writeable = Yes
guest ok = No
Check your /etc/passwd for valid users:
user01:x:1002:10:Samba User:/dev/null:/dev/null
This is essentially a "null" user, you couldn't login with this,
but NT and samba need make they're allowed to access the system.
And, if you use groups like above, check /etc/group:
That should get you started. I probably left something out, but
I just went through this with help from someone else on the list
and it's *sorta* fresh in my mind (-: But I'm sure the list will
help fill in the blanks.
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