Bug or Feature? 2.2-alpha-cvs & Share Modes
Chen Shiyuan
csy at hjc.edu.sg
Wed Feb 14 16:46:33 GMT 2001
Hello again!
I was playing around with samba-2.2-cvs-130200 on a Linux 2.2.18 RedHat
Linux 6.2 machine. It seems that I still couldn't get what seems to be
share modes working?
Am I encounter a bug or new feature in Samba? I have been trying to
figure this out since more than a month ago but it seems that so far I
am unable to get anything out of it and non of the developers bother to
comment about it.
Can someone help me out on this? Please??
Many thanks in advance!
----- Forwarded message from Chen Shiyuan <csy at hjc.edu.sg> -----
Date: Wed, 07 Feb 2001 01:24:03 +0800 (SGT)
From: Chen Shiyuan <csy at hjc.edu.sg>
Reply-To: Chen Shiyuan <csy at hjc.edu.sg>
Subject: 2.2-alpha-cvs & Share Modes Support?
To: samba at samba.org
Hello everyone!
I thought I'll try and see what's going on with my share modes support
and got the latest CVS as of 06/02/2001 . After CVSing, I ran the
following command to compile samba :-
./configure --prefix=/usr --libdir=/etc --with-lockdir=/var/lock/samba --
with-swatdir=/usr/share/swat --localstatedir=/var/log/samba --with-
smbmount --with-pam
After a successful make and make install, I started samba with only the
following in my /etc/smb.conf file :-
;=============== Global Settings =====================================
workgroup = TEST
netbios name = TESTSVR
interfaces = eth0
hosts allow = 1.1.
os level = 75
wins support = yes
time server = yes
domain master = yes
preferred master = yes
domain admin group = @adm
domain logons = yes
logon drive = h:
logon script = scripts\%d.bat
printing = lprng
min print space = 5120
security = user
encrypt passwords = yes
smb passwd file = /samba/smbpasswd
valid users = nobody, @users
dos filetime resolution = yes
dont descend = /proc, /dev
getwd cache = yes
level2 oplocks = true
comment = Applications
path = /samba/apps
read only = no
share modes = no
But when I tried to run some applications (i.e. MS Office 2000) from the
APPS share and did a smbstatus, it came up with the following :-
EXCLUSIVE+BATCH /samba/apps/OFFICE2000SP1.NET/PFiles/MSOffice/Office/103
3/OBALLOON.DLL Wed Feb 7 01:09:44 2001
EXCLUSIVE+BATCH /samba/apps/OFFICE2000SP1.NET/PFiles/MSOffice/Office/WIN
WORD.EXE Wed Feb 7 01:09:20 2001
EXCLUSIVE+BATCH /samba/apps/OFFICE2000SP1.NET/PFiles/MSOffice/Office/BLN
MGRPS.DLL Wed Feb 7 01:09:44 2001
EXCLUSIVE+BATCH /samba/apps/OFFICE2000SP1.NET/PFiles/MSOffice/Office/CLI
PPIT.ACS Wed Feb 7 01:09:44 2001
EXCLUSIVE+BATCH /samba/apps/OFFICE2000SP1.NET/PFiles/MSOffice/Office/BLN
MGR.DLL Wed Feb 7 01:09:44 2001
A quick check with textdocs/UNIX_INSTALL.txt says :-
!== UNIX_INSTALL.txt for Samba release 2.2.0-alpha2 30 Jan 2001
The second class of locking is the "deny modes". These are set by an
application when it opens a file to determine what types of access
should be allowed simultaneously with its open. A client may ask for
DENY_NONE, DENY_READ, DENY_WRITE or DENY_ALL. There are also special
compatability modes called DENY_FCB and DENY_DOS.
You can disable share modes using "share modes = no". This may be
useful on a heavily loaded server as the share modes code is very
slow. See also the FAST_SHARE_MODES option in the Makefile for a way
to do full share modes very fast using shared memory (if your OS
supports it).
It appears that share modes is still effective even thou I have
explictly disabled it in my config.
Does anyone else or the developers have any clue to give as to why is
this so? I would be more than willingly to provide more information if
requested. I sure hope that share modes would still be in Samba as it is
quite a useful feature.
Many thanks in advance for any advice/help .
----- Forwarded message from Chen Shiyuan <csy at hjc.edu.sg> -----
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2001 19:03:04 +0800 (SGT)
From: Chen Shiyuan <csy at hjc.edu.sg>
Reply-To: Chen Shiyuan <csy at hjc.edu.sg>
Subject: Fwd: Fwd: 2.2-alpha-cvs & Share Modes Support?
To: samba at samba.org
Hello again!
I'm posting this for the third time. Can someone help me out on this? Is
share modes no longer in 2.2? I tried to look through the docs that came
via CVS and also the testparm command and they all indicated that share
modes is still around.
But when I used smbclient, share modes doesn't appear to be in effect.
Many thanks in advance!
----- Forwarded message from Chen Shiyuan <csy at hjc.edu.sg> -----
Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2001 06:46:41 +0800 (SGT)
From: Chen Shiyuan <csy at hjc.edu.sg>
Reply-To: Chen Shiyuan <csy at hjc.edu.sg>
Subject: Fwd: 2.2-alpha-cvs & Share Modes Support?
To: samba at samba.org
Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions as to what my problem could
be? I have been trying to figure out how come share modes = no doesn't
appear to be working but to no avail. I am currently using samba-2.2-
aplha-cvs-170100. A sample share declaration in my /etc/smb.conf looks
like the following :-
comment = testing
path = /test
read only = no
share modes = no
Many thanks in advance!
----- Forwarded message from Chen Shiyuan <csy at hjc.edu.sg> -----
Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2001 13:08:01 +0800 (SGT)
From: Chen Shiyuan <csy at hjc.edu.sg>
Reply-To: Chen Shiyuan <csy at hjc.edu.sg>
Subject: 2.2-alpha-cvs & Share Modes Support?
To: samba at samba.org
I am currently running samba-2.0.7 and samba-2.2-alpha-cvs (cvs versions
updated daily since 2.2alpha1 was released) with identical smb.conf file.
When I run smbstatus on the two different machines, the following
screens are shown :-
Samba version 2.2.0-alpha1
Service uid gid pid machine
No locked files
Samba version 2.0.7
Service uid gid pid machine
No locked files
Share mode memory usage (bytes):
1048464(99%) free + 56(0%) used + 56(0%) overhead = 1048576(100%)
Samba-2.2.0cvs is compiled with the following :-
./configure --prefix=/usr --libdir=/etc --with-lockdir=/var/lock/samba --
with-swatdir=/usr/share/swat --localstatedir=/var/log/samba --with-
smbmount --with-pam
Does anyone know how come under 2.2.0cvs the Share mode memory usage
lines do not appear? Is it just that they don't appear anymore or does
it imply that share modes is not working on the machine?
Also, previously I used share modes = no on some readonly shares and
when I run smbstatus on 2.0.7 , the applications and files on the "share
modes = no" shares are not listed as locked when people access them but
under 2.2.0cvs, they appear similar to those shares which I set share
modes = yes .
Locked files:
Pid DenyMode R/W Oplock Name
EXCLUSIVE+BATCH /Apps/Netscape/Commu
nicator/Program/Plugins/npswf32.dll Thu Jan 11 13:01:24 2001
NONE /Apps/Netscape/Commu
nicator/Program/js3240.dll Thu Jan 11 12:55:23 2001
NONE /Apps/Netscape/Commu
nicator/Program/js3240.dll Thu Jan 11 12:41:04 2001
NONE /Apps/Netscape/Commu
nicator/Program/unicvt32.dll Thu Jan 11 12:55:23 2001
No locked files
And also in my log.smbd on the 2.2.0cvs machine, I get alot of the
following lines and occasionally new users cannot login and run
applications properly as all the files are "locked up" and I have to
manually restart smbd before users will be able to login and access just
[2001/01/11 10:26:27, 0] smbd/oplock.c:oplock_break(767)
oplock_break: receive_smb timed out after 30 seconds.
oplock_break failed for file
(dev = a, inode = 375548).
[2001/01/11 10:26:27, 0] smbd/oplock.c:oplock_break(840)
0 oplock_break: client failure in oplock break in file
[2001/01/11 10:26:57, 0] smbd/oplock.c:oplock_break(767)
oplock_break: receive_smb timed out after 30 seconds.
oplock_break failed for file
l (dev = a, inode = 375527).
Does anyone have any idea what is going on? Any help will be greatly
Many thanks in advance!
----- End forwarded message -----
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