nmbd running 200+ times
Madarasz Karoly
mkaroly at SoftHome.net
Tue Feb 13 10:24:45 GMT 2001
I had the same problem on one machine. On others (on different
with tha same configuration I have no problems at all. I "solved" the
problem by desactivating samba's wins support.
David Collier-Brown wrote:
> Paul wrote:
> >
> > I have nmbd and smbd configured to run from inetd on my FreeBSD box.
> >
> > Every day after midnight I get the error on the console that says "/kernel:
> > file: table is full". When I do a ps -awux it shows that the nmbd process is
> > running over 200 times!! I have read about changing the Kernel to accept
> > more open files, but that is not my problem. nmbd spawning itself is. I have
> > just been rebooting to clear the problem until it happens again.
> Can you switch to running them as daemons? I've
> not seen nmbd go nuts before, but we have had problems
> with 2.0.x sambas running from inetd.
> --dave
> --
> David Collier-Brown, | Always do right. This will gratify
> Performance & Engineering Team | some people and astonish the rest.
> Americas Customer Engineering | -- Mark Twain
> (905) 415-2849 | davecb at canada.sun.com
Madarasz Karoly
West Bank Arad
+40 (57) 284888
mkaroly at hotpop.com
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