Samba and password protected directories
Robert Johnson
robert at
Mon Feb 12 22:13:25 GMT 2001
Hello, I have Win98 clients that need
to connect "securely" to directories on Linux boxes.
In smb.conf, I have added these home directories:
[Luser Dir]
comment = dir
public = no
browseable = yes
writable = yes
path = /home/luser
Accounts have been created in the appropriate directories with
proper accessibility, this includes passwords. This was done
with "useradd -c "name" -m -s/bin/sh.............,
Then "passwd luser"...........
When I try to access the directories from Network neighbourhood,
I am prompted for the passwords but get "wrong password"
error messages when I enter the luser's passwds.
Does this mean I must populate smbpasswd with these lusers
etc...? Or what???
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Robert Johnson
System Administrator - The Mother of All Search Engines
388 St. Jacques Street West, 9th Floor
Montreal Quebec, H2Y 1S1
T (514) 908-4314
F (514) 284-0253
robert at
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