Get Kerberos Authentication Prior to Access AFS Through Samba
Wei-Gung Sun
Wei-Gung.Sun at
Fri Feb 9 20:05:23 GMT 2001
I am trying to develop Macintosh client for my Macintosh users to access AFS
environment. I have brought up a Samba server successfully with AFS option,
and installed a test version of DAVE (downloaded from Thursby's website) on
Our shop uses Kerberos servers (not use local password files) for
authentication process and to obtain AFS tokens before users access the AFS
environment. In my Samba smb.conf file, I used "security = server" and
"passward server = kerberos". After several tests, I got the same set of error
messages indicated "error connecting to the kerberos server", "password server
not available", and "password server is not connected".
Anyone have same or similar development ? I would appreciate any help.
Will Sun
wsun at
(818) 354-2311
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