Memory leak with XP Clients

Bill Moran wmoran at
Mon Dec 31 08:24:12 GMT 2001

Steve Helder wrote:
> The clients don't seem to have any problems from it but the server seems to.
> It will unload programs and daemons to free up memory on the server side.
> It doesn't seem to be a serious problem, at least not yet.  It is more of an
> inconvenience as I have no problem with it refusing connections.

Find the source before it becomes a problem, huh?  Probably a good idea.

> I am just trying to figure out if there is a fix or if there needs to be one
> before this becomes serious.

Maybe use smbstatus (or SWAT) to see if the clients are opening a lot of files.
If it's a problem with the client opening a ton of files, you may be able to
tell from which files are open, how to configure the client to stop.

Bill Moran
Potential Technology

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