Problem with hidden files

Bill Moran wmoran at
Sun Dec 30 07:44:02 GMT 2001

Look at the "hide dot files" option in samba.conf (or via SWAT). The
default is to hide files beginning with a dot (to mimic the way most
UNIX shells work) so you'd not be able to see the file from the Windows
machine, thus be unable to delete it from the Windows machine. You'll
probably want to a) turn "hide dot files" off or b) use a different
name for the lock file.  You should also fix your CAM app to do error
checking so you'd know if it tried to delete a file that doesn't exist.

Dmitri Gendler wrote:
>       Hello all,
>       I'm working with a  CAM package  running on  Windows 2000 OS
>       (Service Pack 2).
>       This CAM should write its output to Sun Blade 100 workstation with
>       Solaris 8 OS.  On the Sun I installed Samba (ver 2.2.2).
>       The output of the CAM is a directory that includes plain ASCII
>       files. Before starting the output, the CAM creates a directory and
>       an empty .lock file inside. When the output is completed
>       successfully, the CAM deletes the .lock file, thus indicating to a
>       program on the Sun that the output is ready.
>       In my case, the CAM system notifies me that the output has 
>       finished successfully but the .lock file is not removed from the
>       output directory on the Sun.
>       If the output is configured to the local drive of the Windows
>       2000, this indicator  is always successful (the .lock file is
>       always  removed).
>       I suspect that the problem is due to the .lock file being a
>       "hidden" file . Is there some trick in configuring Samba for
>       "hidden" files?

Bill Moran
Potential Technology

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