Can't join w2k into samba-3.0alpha12 domain

Milyukov Vadim smbmail at
Thu Dec 27 03:01:03 GMT 2001

i'm using samba-3.0 alpha12 as a pdc 
i can join nt4 workstation into my domain.
although parameter add user script = /usr/sbin/useradd -d /dev/null -g 200 -s /bin/false -M %u not working, this done by hand, and later smbpasswd -a -m pcname
ant nt4 normaly joined.
but when i tring to join by the same way w2k workstation, it say somthing like (i'm using russian ver of w2k) : for such way join to domain user section not exist

have anyone problem like this?
or is anybody join his w2k workstation into domain. maybe there are something triks?
thanks a lot
with best regards,
  mile aka Vadim Milyukov [linux user #199303, icq #55119218] 

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