Password Aging/Expiration in Samba 3?

Jeremy Allison jra at
Wed Dec 26 11:07:01 GMT 2001

On Wed, Dec 26, 2001 at 03:51:44PM -0300, Ariel Mella wrote:
> Jeremy:
> >
> > Yes, we store the value, but are not yet checking it on
> > login etc. This is planned for the full release.
> ok... and things like add/delete/change properties etc. of the users... are
> in the TODO list to the full samba 3 or not??
> an example:
> in NT using UserMgr i can specifiy a home directory differten for each
> user.. in smb.conf i can only spcify one service witht that name and is not
> a properti of the user.
> yes, i could mix it using cariables like %U.. but stilll differ the manner
> NT take this.

Well the idea is to make it as close to NT with UserMgr as we can.

Look at the ACL support on shares for details. We check the share
ACL database first, then if that passes we check the smb.conf 

The settings in smb.conf must always override the stuff set in the
databases (IMHO).


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