Variable substitution in smb.conf

Joshua Colson jcolson at
Wed Dec 26 10:55:03 GMT 2001

Hello everyone,

  I have approx. 1000 users accessing a samba server, each with there own
user dir. Currently I have samba set up to map users to 
but because there are so many users, I want to break up the directory
structure.  I would like to take the first two letters of each username
connecting, and map their directories to a subdir.  If I've been confusing
in this request, then maybe an example is in order.

Two users, john, and billy.
John connects and gets mapped to:
and Billy connects and gets mapped to:

Can this be done with samba?

Joshua Colson
Systems Administrator
Giant Industries, Inc.
(480) 585-8714
jcolson at

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