Sharing Printer

Joel Hammer Joel at
Mon Dec 24 20:21:06 GMT 2001

You have to set up a print filter with this command:
cat | smbclient //server/printershare -c "print -"
You may need to use the -Uuser%password option in there.
You can test this from the command with:
cat testfile | smbclient etc etc to see if it works.
You have to filter the job before it gets sent to the printer, so the print
filter will have to process the file before it gets sent.
If you have a postscript printer, you can just use enscript to change text
files to postscript. (Enscript might not be installed by default, but it
should be on your CD) If you don't have a postscript printer, you will have to
find the appropriate ghostscript device to configure it for you printer.
It is Xmas eve, so I can't be more explicit, but, if you need more help, ask.
I can supply printcap and filter examples, if necessary.


On Tue, Dec 25, 2001 at 10:32:36AM +0700, 012801849 at wrote:
> Hi all, 
> 	I am a beginner to samba. I use redhat7.2.
>         I have a printer at winnt4.0 server.
>  	I want to configure redhat7.2 at my desk to connect and to be able
> to printe  printer.
>        How can I do this?

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