Is there a problem supporting 100+ users with 2.2.2?

Matt Mortensen mmortens at
Mon Dec 24 07:13:08 GMT 2001

I have a RH7.1 1.2Gb mem dual PIII 600/256k cache box running Samba 
2.2.2.  I am having a problem with a delay in opening files.  I use 
Samba to share directories of of Oracle forms.  The client has the 
runtime executable which looks for a "form" to define the 
screen/program.  What is happening is that the client will pull up the 
first form and then the user will click on a button defined by the first 
form, to go to a new form.  Then nothing happens.  When the user clicks 
on the button again the form will open.  This is very random and effects 
all of our systems which use forms, over 10.  This problem appeared 
after we upgradded to 2.2.2.  In the log files I get these errors:
[2001/12/20 15:55:20, 3] smbd/error.c:error_packet(99)
  error string = Resource temporarily unavailable
[2001/12/20 15:55:20, 3] smbd/error.c:error_packet(111)
  error packet at smbd/reply.c(1694) cmd=45 (SMBopenX) eclass=1 ecode=5
[2001/12/20 15:55:20, 3] smbd/process.c:process_smb(860)
  Transaction 12 of length 90
[2001/12/20 15:55:20, 3] smbd/error.c:error_packet(99)
  error string = No such file or directory
[2001/12/20 15:55:20, 3] smbd/error.c:error_packet(111)
  error packet at smbd/reply.c(1694) cmd=45 (SMBopenX) eclass=1 ecode=2

Your help is appreciated as I am starting to get preassure to resolve 
this using the dark sides product!

Merry Christmas


Matt Mortensen
Network Administrator
Weber County Information Technology
(801)399-8629 Office (801)399-8864 Fax

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