permissions on VFAT partitions

James Barwick jbarwick at
Sun Dec 23 21:57:02 GMT 2001

AND...suppose you want at ext2/3 partition to be a samba share.....

On these types of shares, I setup SAMBA to "force a group" on file and 
directory creation.  And in the Samba config, make sure that the file 
create and directory create permissions are 664 and 775 instead of 644 
and 755.

This will allow all users that belong to the unix group "user" (or 
"1001"  in your xample) to have read/write permissios to all files 
created on the share.

Why on EARTH would you have a VFAT partition setup as a share....why 
would you have them on your SAMBA server at all?  You thought it would 
be easier?
VFAT doesn't contain file permissions, so you can't really do an "NT 
Emulation" can only do as you have done and force a single 
user/group...which you could do with SAMBA on ext partitions anyway.


Indulis Bernsteins wrote:

> >I'm running RH7.1 and Samba 2.2.2 . I would like to offer a VFAT
> >partition on the server  hard drive for universal read-write access. I
> >mount the partition in fstab with
> >
> >/dev.hda5    /sys    vfat    defaults,rw,uid=1001,gid=1001    0 0
> >
> >It mounts fine and shows up on the Windows 98 machine and can be opened.
> >I can't write to it however.
> OK what I did to make this exact thing work on my system was to create 
> a new group on my system called "user" (=gid 502)
> in my /etc/fstab I made the entry for /dev/hda5 look like
> /dev/hda5    /sys    vfat    uid=500,gid=502,umask=002
> (umask=2 means permissions=775=rwxrwxr-x  ie write to people in the 
> owning group as well as the owner)
> And I set up my remote user to belong to group "user".
> The only other trick is that if you have been playing around with the 
> user's credentials (user id, groups the user belongs to), you need to 
> disconnect/reconnect to samba as it is like logging on to a normal 
> UNIX shell, the user's group list and other credentials are picked up 
> at login time. So if you have not logged in/out after making some 
> changes, then any changes you have made to the user's group id or user 
> id (uid) since the login don't have any effect on the samba 
> client...(I discovered this after a Windows reboot fixed my problem).
> Apart from that, I have just defined the remote user on linux as a 
> normal user with a name matching what is shown under 
> "settings-network-identification-computer name" in windows.  Password 
> matching the logon password on the windows network client.
> It *does* work!!! So don't give up on it!
> (And if you really get stuck you can set the smb daemon up to give you 
> a detailed trace of what it is doing as it tries to fulfil your 
> requests. DOesn't tell you about the login/logout trick though!)
> Luck!
> Indulis
> Indulis Bernsteins
> Senior Systems Architect
> IBM Australia

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