Win2k -> Samba 2.2.2 for IRIX

Jeremy Allison jra at
Sat Dec 22 14:26:04 GMT 2001

On Sat, Dec 22, 2001 at 10:09:33AM -0600, Carrie Knox wrote:
> I see.  Do you know if there is something that I can configure within Samba to get it to
> listen on port 445 as well as port 139?  or if there is something I should update within the
> OS configuration?   or on the client?  or?

No, Samba does not yet listen on 445 (there are NetBIOS aliasing reasons
for this). *Something* on your machine is accepting TCP connections on
port 445, after which the client is dropping the 139 connection. I suggest
you find out what it is....


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