Unable to write to a directory I created and own with Windows 2000

Rodger Haynes rodger at thompsonprint.com
Fri Dec 21 09:33:46 GMT 2001

- Did you map  /homes with the -R (recursive) flag so that nm93572 is 777 as
- try writable=yes in the nm93572 share

FNU.Kennedy at aventis.com wrote:

> Dear SAMBA Gurus:
> This is my first samba installation. So please bear with me. I set up my
> UNIX id the way my Windows 2000 ID is. I am able to map my home directory.
> But I am unable to write to it. When I went to the UNIX server running samba
> and set the permission to 777 I am able to write to the directory which is
> mapped.
> The UNIX server is a HP Server.  This is how my SMB.CONF file entries look
> like:
> [homes]
>    comment = Home Directories
>    browseable = no
>    hide dot files = no
>    read only = no
> [nm93572]
>    path = /home/nm93572
> Could someone please help me out?
> Regards,
> Kennedy
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