RH7.2&&smbd2.2.1&&W98/2000&&Connection Problem

Gerard mgirard at microtecsecurite.com
Thu Dec 20 14:58:50 GMT 2001

>Is there a wins server on your system?
>Is there a DNS server on your system?
Yes! it point all machine by names like static52.ourdomaine.com

>I don't know why the windows machine can't find your server when all the
>linux machines can. Is there is a DNS or wins server, are the windows boxes
>set up to use them?

>I just don't know how to trouble shoot a connection problem from a windows
>machine. The only thing I can think of would be to use tcpdump to see what
>the windows machine is saying to the network.

I'll try for sure! 

>Can the windows machines find the other linux boxes on your network?

Yes ! I see all my linux box in the Network Neigorhood, BUT
when I click on one, I got this message from the Windoze Box :

'Share name could not be found, make sure you typed it correctly....'

>How many windows machines are on your system that need to access your

30-40 WinShit machines;) 

>I would try the lmhost fix. 
I'll try on 2-3 machines just for fun, but I can't imagine
me running from box to box to change this little file on
40 machines.... eheh :) (I'm not the admin so... )

>If that works, that might be the obvious and quick solution.

Thx for your anwser ;)
I'll try the SNIFF method :))  HeH :)

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