RH7.2&&smbd2.2.1a&&W98/2000&&Connection Problem

Gerard mgirard at microtecsecurite.com
Thu Dec 20 06:30:22 GMT 2001

Hello all!

   I've readed somes docs and I found nothing about the
following trouble : I can't connect to my sbmd server using
the following : '\\MYRH72SMBDSERVERNAME\'.  I always got
a error message like : 'Share name could not be found, make
sure you typed it correctly....' , but if I utilize \\10.x.x.x\ all is
working fine (I don't want to access using the \\IP\ way... )

   Our DNS didn't use our samba name, but use something like
that : static52.domainname.com .  It's a NMBD bug (I think not...
but I don't really know... )? Did I miss something ? (hehE)

Thx in advance ;)

If it can help, here is my smb.conf

# Samba config file created using SWAT
# from mgirard (
# Date: 2001/12/20 09:25:28

# Global parameters

	workgroup = RD

# netbios name = MYRH72SMBDSERVERNAME in my text
	netbios name = MGIRARD
	server string = DaMachine
	encrypt passwords = Yes
	map to guest = Bad User
	null passwords = Yes
	log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
	max log size = 0
	socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
	local master = No
	dns proxy = No
	guest account = smbnobody
	hosts allow = 10. 127.
	printing = lprng

	comment = Home Directories
	read only = No
	browseable = No 

#All Users can connect to Echange
	comment = Echange
	path = /home/Echange
	read only = No
	inherit permissions = Yes
	guest only = Yes
	guest ok = Yes
	default case = upper

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