Out of connections, samba 2.2.x

Jonas Nilsson jonas.nilsson at su.eip.ericsson.se
Wed Dec 19 04:08:02 GMT 2001

vda wrote:

>   Did you just copied entire filesystem to new box or no?

Well I moved it one home (user) at the time
/usr/local/bin/tar cf - . | ( cd $LOKE/$MOVEUSER/ ; /usr/local/bin/tar xfBp - )

I also copied the smb.conf file, with some changes ( netbios name and some
shares), to the new box. Is that the answer you where looking for?


>   If you don't, you have different configs, samba versions, libc versions etc.
>   It can be very time consuming but with (much of) mix and match you can
>   identify what exactly caused this. I'd suggest cloning entire 'old'
>   installation onto new box and testing that first.
>   When you'll find out the cause, tell us too, ok?
>   --
>   vda
> On Wednesday 19 December 2001 05:54, Jonas Nilsson wrote:
> > Hi
> > I have a problem with samba 2.2.2. (see below) I'm sure it's easy to
> > solve but I can't figure out what to do. The thing I find confusing is
> > that the newer and more powerful server can't perform as good as the old
> > one. Any ideas?
> >
> > /Jonas
> >
> > Story:
> > We had all our user homes on a Sun Ultra 2 (solaris 2.6, 30Gb store) and
> > samba 2.0.6, and all was fine.
> > But we ran out of disk and moved all homes to a Sun e420 (solaris 8,
> > 100Gb store) and samba 2.2.0. Then the troubles began, at least ones a
> > week people cant mount their shares and the NT account gets locked. When
> > this happens the user receive a message "Out of connections". The
> > clients are ~30 NT 4.0. I have "upgraded" to Samba 2.2.2 but the fault
> > remains.
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