Problem with tdb Databases

Joerg Hartmann J.Hartmann at
Tue Dec 18 12:10:03 GMT 2001

Hello Samba Team,

as i wrote bevore i have problems with the TDB Databases of samba.
Every function which tries to use a tdb exits with error.
As i searched the list archives i see that others have such a problem
too - now and then, but never got an answer or a pointer to RTFM if
this would be a FAQ.

I need some help here, since i am not a c-coder to dig into the
sources and i simply can not get samba to work.
Does the TDB Database Code need some undelying features like gdbm or
such ?

Here is the error message from smbd again :
[2001/12/16 19:51:43, 0] lib/messages.c:message_init(97)
  ERROR: Failed to initialise messages database

This is from smbd v 2.2.2 on Debian.

Best regards,
 Joerg                          J.Hartmann at

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