
Daniel Tan danieltan at shopnsave.com.sg
Tue Dec 18 00:03:03 GMT 2001

GlacierHi all,
        i am puzzled by what i need to do for my windoze machine to map a
drive to a samba server. kept getting unable to browse the computer but able
to ping the samba server. tried mapping "net use z: \\samba_hostname\folder"
and "net use z: \\samba_ip_address\folder" but still encounter that error
message.Had a hosts file in c:\windows. in the end had to remove hosts file
and add in lmhosts and it works! miracle! i thought lmhosts files is
obselete?? any ideas?


Daniel Tan
7469188 Ext.665
MIS Department
Shop N Save Pte Ltd

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