Winbind memory leak

Gerald (Jerry) Carter jerry at
Mon Dec 17 08:42:14 GMT 2001

On Mon, 17 Dec 2001, Noel Kelly wrote:

> I have been quite surprised at the largeness of the winbind memory
> leak.  I have an awk script which checks this every n-minutes and
> sends me an alert when it exceeds a specified threshold.  See below
> for some sample data. This is RH6.2 with Samba 2.2.2 and about 25
> users.

This has been fixed in the latest SAMBA_2_2 cvs code code (to become
samba 2.2.3).

chau, jerry
 SAMBA Team                             
 "Sam's Teach Yourself Samba in 24 Hours" 2ed.      ISBN 0-672-32269-2
 --"I never saved anything for the swim back." Ethan Hawk in Gattaca--

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