winbindd: local unix users vs. NTdomain users ........

Anthony J. Breeds-Taurima tony at
Sun Dec 16 19:30:03 GMT 2001

On Sat, 15 Dec 2001, Savchuk Valery wrote:

> I detect some strange situation, as I look. See below.
> For example, my NT domain is MYDOMAIN (PDC implemented
> on NT4), and this domain have user myuser (MYDOMAIN+myuser 
> as see him Samba&Winbindd).
> Linux, which run Samba&winbindd, have local user myuser too.
> Local unix user myuser have uid 542 and home 
> directory /home/myuser.
> Domain user MYDOMAIN+myuser have uid 10012 and 
> template home directory /smbhome/MYDOMAIN/myuser.
> Strange thing: after connect myuser into domain MYDOMAIN
> from Windows2000 machine and connect into [homes] share
> onto Samba server, this user get uid 10012 (as MYDOMAIN+myuser)
> but his home directory is /home/myuser (as local unix user myuser).
> But /home/myuser have owner uid 542, not 10012 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> I must run "chown -R MYDOMAIN+myuser /home/myuser" to 
> provide for this user right access in his home directory.
> I think, what it's very ugly situation.
> Also, what will be, if myuser (see above) is enumered 
> into "print admin" line of smb.conf: "print admin = myuser"?
> How myuser will be to "admin" print$, if he is MYDOMAIN+myuser
> (uid 10012) instead myuser (uid 542)?
> I not found, how to make this situation rightly.
> I think, what local user myuser must have more high
> priority under NT domain user myuser (MYDOMAIN+myuser) 
> in any time and in any shares.
> Or have posible manually control order of selection 
> doubled users.

Do you actually NEED both sets of users.  If you have already
got an account on the local machine the you don't need winbind at all.
You need a simple awy to keep the NT accounts in sync with the Linux ones.

If you would prefer to use winbinf then ditch the lcoal users accounts.

If you have some strange reason for needing both then please explain it.
Yours Tony.

 * "The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the 
 * same level of thinking we were at when we created them."
 * --Albert Einstein

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