
Steve Lee maillist at
Thu Dec 13 20:53:02 GMT 2001

this is a MS Access Problem.
this is to prevent corruption from both users
trying to update the file.

solution? move to a real databse such as MSSQL, MySQL, etc...

On Fri, 14 Dec 2001, Amy WILLEY wrote:

> I teach a basic computer class and my students have the following problem.  
> Can you help?  Thanks, Ron my e-mail is wdoa at
> A Microsoft Access 2000 database is stored on a Corel® Linux server. When a 
> single user accesses the database, there is no problem.  When two or more 
> users initiate simultaneous connections, the first user can access the 
> database and the additional users receive the following message:
> "could not lock file"
> Further access is denied.
> Is this a Samba problem or a Linux problem?
> If this is a Samba problem, what is the solution?
> System specifications
> Version of Samba: 2.0.7-2-d-1.Li386.deb
> Server Operating System: Corel® Linux
> Linux Kernel: vmlinuz 2.2.16
> Client Operating Systems: Microsoft Windows 95
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