
Amy WILLEY wdoa at
Thu Dec 13 19:48:16 GMT 2001

I teach a basic computer class and my students have the following problem.  
Can you help?  Thanks, Ron my e-mail is wdoa at

A Microsoft Access 2000 database is stored on a Corel® Linux server. When a 
single user accesses the database, there is no problem.  When two or more 
users initiate simultaneous connections, the first user can access the 
database and the additional users receive the following message:

"could not lock file"

Further access is denied.

Is this a Samba problem or a Linux problem?
If this is a Samba problem, what is the solution?

System specifications

Version of Samba: 2.0.7-2-d-1.Li386.deb
Server Operating System: Corel® Linux
Linux Kernel: vmlinuz 2.2.16
Client Operating Systems: Microsoft Windows 95

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