Massive Virtual Drive, is it possible?

Anders Widman andewid at
Wed Dec 12 13:48:02 GMT 2001

2001-12-04 22:02:31, Andrew Bartlett <abartlet at> wrote:

>> Angel Gabriel wrote:
>> I'm new to the world of linux, and I was wondering if you could help
>> me out. There reason, I'm come over to linux, is to try and create a
>> massive virtual drive, that I could attacth to my servers, and have
>> them use it. Speed is not essential, but functionality is. There are
>> not that many people logging onto the network, only about thirty, and
>> there are no mission critical applications (well yet, I got a MySQL
>> server planned!). What I would like to do, it utilise our basment,
>> which is FULL of oldish hardware, about 20 machines, and maybe change
>> those machines into a massive virtual drive Each machine has between 4
>> - 10 gigs of hard drive space, and the extra space will definatly come
>> in handy. ( We only currently use about 7 gigs between us) We are
>> currently on a W2k network, and this amount of storage, would come in
>> handy. Thanks in advance for any tips!
>Look into the MS-DFS support in Samba. 
>This allows you to create a single network share, but point individual
>directories at any server of your choice.  So, while you can't split a
>file or a directory over more than one server, you can split up the
>whole directory tree, creating a 'massive virtual drive' or sorts.
>Andrew Bartlett
>Andrew Bartlett                                 abartlet at
>Manager, Authentication Subsystems, Samba Team  abartlet at
>Student Network Administrator, Hawker College   abartlet at
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Have a look at and LVM + GFS wich allows you to span physical disks on diferent machines.


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