Win2K Errors using samba 2.2.2

Mitch McNeel mitchm at
Wed Dec 12 07:42:04 GMT 2001


Not really!!  Just a work around!!

If you have users Netscape profile living on a samba share, I would suggest (0)
zeroing out the number of days to keep history.

What we did:
For users that have their Netscape profiles living on a samba share (homes), we
zeroed out the disk cache, Number of days to keep history and bumped up the
memory cache to 10 megs (256 megs of memory).

This seems to eliminate the Delay write error.

Let me know if this helps....


Ps.  We also set the oplock break wait time configuration setting to 10
milliseconds, this helped with word and excel documents taking up to 30 second
to open.

Log error entry:
[2001/12/11 14:42:51, 0, effective(0, 0), real(0, 0)]
  oplock_break: receive_smb timed out after 30 seconds.

    oplock break wait time = 10 (default is zero)

Matthew Hallam wrote:

> One Win2K machine here has started exhibiting the same symptons
> (Netscape 4.77 giving Delayed Write Failed errors on netscape.hst) after
> we had to reboot the samba server and hasnt been happy since.
> Dont suppose you came up with a solution ?
> X--------------------------------------------------------------------------O
> | Matthew Hallam                                   Email:   meh at |
> | Systems Support Group                            Tel: +44 (0)1970 622429 |
> | Department of Computer Science                   Fax: +44 (0)1970 622455 |
> | University of Wales, Aberystwyth. SY23 3DB |
> O--------------------------------------------------------------------------X

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Mitch McNeel                               # Phone Ext. 2236
Unix Systems Administrator                 # Phone Num. 858-831-2210
Maintenance Warehouse/A Home Depot Company #

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