printing from unix to NT printer

Christian Barth barth at
Wed Dec 12 05:09:10 GMT 2001

> > Setup:
> > samba 2.2.2
> > Solaris 8
> > 
> > Trying to print to a printer attached to an NT4/sp6a machine. Printer passes 'test print page' test on NT and is shared. 
> > 
> > Problem: 
> > An error occurs when the smbclient command is used: 
> > 
> > cat afile | smbclient \\\\tech223\\testprn -U username%password -P -c "translate;print -"
> > 
> > The error reported is "ERRDOS - ERRbadaccess (Invalid open mode.) opening remote file stdin-...."
> > 
> > Similarly, if I run the smbclient command interactively and type "print afile", the same error occurs this time referring to 'remote file afile'. 
> > 
> > Any help with this problem would be appreciated. I've searched the list archives and have not (so far)  found anything which addresses this issue.
> > 
> Sorry, I can't help you there, but I have a very similar problem:
> The above commands are working for me from samba 2.0.7 to NT4SP6a but 
> not to w2k, no matter if from 2.0.7 or 2.2.1a. I supect some thing on 
> the Windows side, because disk shares work.
I found the solution: In w2k the printer must not be configured to 
print directly to the port. The printer must use the spooler.


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