Access granted for one workgroup but the other workgroup is

Housebee housebee at
Wed Dec 12 04:03:03 GMT 2001

X-Operating-System: Linux housebee 2.5.1-pre1 
X-Computer-Name: Housebee


How am i going to make the following thing happen. I have one network
( There are two workgroups, that is: pcroom and admin.

On top there is one linux (debian) server with dhcp en samba.

In pcroom there are 8 win95 pc's, in admin are 4 nt machines.

I want to realise that the win95 pc's only can acces the workgroup
admin, with a password. Can that be arranged with SAMBA ?

I really have no clue how to solve this, but my boss is asking it.. so..
Then i should be the one who has to solve it..

I hope i can find some help or hints here...
Many Thanx in Advance.

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