Anthony aslan at
Tue Dec 11 14:35:07 GMT 2001

For my systems, yes I am sure. As for other systems (and we all know that 
Samba runs on _many_ systems), I can't say for sure. However, if I recall 
correctly, the place where I read about it was a Samba doc... I really do 
wish I could find that doc! And I think you're right about SIGHUP. If I 
want to be 1.3 million % sure that Samba has re-read the smb.conf file, I 
use the "/etc/rc.d/init.d/smb restart" command (I think that's strictly a 
RedHat thing?). I took a quick look through the "/etc/rc.d/init.d/smb" 
script and it seems to essentially kill the smb and nmb processes and then 
start them up again. I copied this behaviour recently for a Slackware 7.0 
box that I had to set up, and it worked fine. It was a fair bit rougher 
than the way RedHat handles it, but it worked. :)

Having said all that, the original post that created this particular thread 
was asking how to re-read the smb.conf file without having to restart 
Samba. And I think the answer to that is this: If Samba isn't re-reading 
the smb.conf file AFTER IT HAS BEEN CHANGED (and within 2 minutes, max.), 
you simply will not be able to have the smb.conf file re-read without 
restarting Samba. I might be wrong, but I am pretty confident this time 
that I'm correct. :)

And that is WAY more than I had anticipated for this E-Mail! I hope this 
helps whoever it was meant to help!


At 02:14 a 12/12/2001, it was written:

>Are you sure this is true?
>Checking access times on my smb.conf does not support that, although I too
>thought I had read that somewhere. And, I even suspect that SIGHUP may not
>cause an immediate reloading of smb.conf.
>On Wed, Dec 12, 2001 at 12:36:34AM +1100, Anthony wrote:
> > Samba apparently re-reads the smb.conf file every 1 minute. I have seen
> > this to be true on a couple of my systems (a RedHat 6.2 and a RedHat 7.1
> > system, both running Samba 2.0.10). I cannot for the life of me recall
> > where I read this, but it's true. :)
> >
> > Anthony.
> >
> >
> > At 10:02 p 11/12/2001, it was written:
> >
> > >Hi
> > >
> > >Is it possible to send SIGHUP to the parant process to let samba reread
> > >the smb.conf file, or is any way to let samba reread this file without
> > >restarting samba
> > >
> > >regards
> > >Alaa

Anthony (aslan at
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