win2k joining Samba 2.2.2 PDC problems

Martin Thomas mthomas at
Tue Dec 11 11:47:05 GMT 2001

>Message: 50
>From: Phil Chambers <P.A.Chambers at>
>To: samba at
>Subject: Re: win2k joining Samba 2.2.2 PDC problems.
>Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2001 18:08:13 +0000 (GMT Standard Time)

>Following the advice given on this list, I used root when joining a w2k client into 
>my SAMBA PDC.  That seemed to work and I got the "Welcome to the xxx domain" pop-up 
>window (it took 50 seconds to join!).  I then got the message saying Windows needed 
>to be rebooted, so I rebooted.  I selected the domain and gave a valid username and 
>password for the domain and got:

>The system cannot log you on to this domain because the systems's computer account in
>its primary domain is missing or the password on that account is incorrect.

>I interpret this as saying that there is a problem with the account for the w2k 
>client rather than the username.

>I have the log output for SAMBA running at debug level 10 for this activity and have 
>been right through it (2266 lines of it) and can see no sign of any failure being 
>reported.  I can see where SAMBA finds the client in smbpasswd, but there is no 
>error message in that area (or anywhere else). The username which I used for the 
>login does not appear in the log, so it seems to confirm that it did not get as far 
>as checking that.

>Given that I do not know the SMB protocol I cannot tell at what point SAMBA is 
>returning an error to the client.  Can anyone advise on what I should be looking for 
>in the log, or is anyone willing to look at the log for me?

You can try this first:

check your .../smbpasswd if there is an entry for your machine (merlin here), 
it should look like:


check your /etc/passwd if there is an entry for the machine 'as user' 


If you do not have these entries you might have a wrong line in you smb.conf.
It should be something like (in a single line!):

add user script = /usr/sbin/useradd -g machines 
 -c RechnerAccount -d /dev/null -s /bin/true %m$

(I have a group machines in /etc/group with group ID 214)

Depending on your system you might have to change this. Look for 
the programs/scripts useradd or adduser on your unix system and call 
them with -h or --help from the command-line/shell, this will point 
you in the right direction.

If you do not have success, send me your log-file.

- Martin

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