win2k joining Samba 2.2.2 PDC problems.
A.J.Dawson at
Tue Dec 11 11:39:06 GMT 2001
> Following the advice given on this list, I used root when joining a w2k client into
> my SAMBA PDC. That seemed to work and I got the "Welcome to the xxx domain" pop-up
> window (it took 50 seconds to join!). I then got the message saying Windows needed
> to be rebooted, so I rebooted. I selected the domain and gave a valid username and
> password for the domain and got:
> The system cannot log you on to this domain because the systems's computer account in
> its primary domain is missing or the password on that account is incorrect.
I hope that the advice I give hasnt already been thrashed to death - I'm
new to the mailing list and having had the history on this case...
I had much the same problem when I first started with Samba - it turned
out to be a machine account problem.
It sounds like your new user script in your smb.conf file is not working
properly - machines are automatically added to the domain by the new user
script, not users.
In your smb.conf file, do you have something along the lines of the
following (all on one line):
add user script = /usr/sbin/useradd -c NT_machine -d /dev/null -g
NT_machines -s /bin/false %m$
This adds new machines being added to the domain to the passwd and the
smbpasswd file with a '$' on the end. Additions to the smbpasswd file are
handled by samba, but additions to the passwd system file need to be
handled elsewhere. Originally, I followed the set-up advice offered me
and tried creating machine acocunts by hand. for some reason these never
Adding the above line into the smb.conf file sorted out the problems in
one go.
If using the above line, you will need to add a group 'NT_machines' to
your group definitions.
I hope this helps!
Dr. Andy Dawson
A.J.Dawson at
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
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