printing from unix to NT printer

Rod Watterworth WATTERWORTH at
Tue Dec 11 07:52:19 GMT 2001

samba 2.2.2
Solaris 8

Trying to print to a printer attached to an NT4/sp6a machine. Printer passes 'test print page' test on NT and is shared. 

An error occurs when the smbclient command is used: 

cat afile | smbclient \\\\tech223\\testprn -U username%password -P -c "translate;print -"

The error reported is "ERRDOS - ERRbadaccess (Invalid open mode.) opening remote file stdin-...."

Similarly, if I run the smbclient command interactively and type "print afile", the same error occurs this time referring to 'remote file afile'. 

Any help with this problem would be appreciated. I've searched the list archives and have not (so far)  found anything which addresses this issue.


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