Win2K environment problems

Philip Rinehart philip.rinehart at
Mon Dec 10 13:12:14 GMT 2001


We are attempting to troubleshoot a Samba installation. The individual who 
set it up is no longer here. A little info first, we are running a RedHat 7 
box, with Samba 2.2.2 We get intermittent failures with a 50% successful 
connection rate, with the samba server not connecting to our PDC for 
authentication. We have snooped the TCP/IP traffic, and on a failed login, 
no attempt connect to the PDC is even made. What could cause this? BTW, we 
are using Server level security, not domain level. Could/would this make a 
difference? We have tried everything imaginable up to this point.

Philip Rinehart
ITS Academic Media & Technology
175 Whitney Avenue
New Haven, Connecticut 06520-8276
Mailto:philip.rinehart at
203-432-6573 (office) 203-436-4066 (fax)
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