workgroups not recognized in virtual server conf files

MCCALL,DON (HP-USA,ex1) don_mccall at
Fri Dec 7 08:00:42 GMT 2001

Hi Joe,
The 'virtual server' concept is not really going to work for you
in the way you want; the problem is that all of the broadcasting,
advertising server/workgroupnames, etc is done by nmbd.  While nmbd 
will broadcast/register/etc the netbios aliases, it is going to use 
only the smb.conf file, as the %L macro is only filled in at connection
time (which means effectively, that only smbd is going to process include
files with the %L macro).
So while you COULD have netbios aliases that pointed to config files that 
did (for example) domain login, or share security, etc based on the netbios
name that a pc is trying to connect as, all of your 'virtual machines' are
going to be a member of the same 'workgroup', and that workgroup must be
in the main smb.conf file, or as you have seen, it will just use the default

You might want to peruse the archives mailing lists for ideas on how other
people have
tried to work around this.

Hope this helps,
-----Original Message-----
From: D. Joe Anderson [mailto:deejoe at]
Sent: Friday, December 07, 2001 10:16 AM
To: Daniel Wittenberg
Cc: cedarlug at; aafugit at; samba at
Subject: Re: workgroups not recognized in virtual server conf files

On Fri, Dec 07, 2001 at 12:21:04AM -0600, Daniel Wittenberg wrote:
> Maybe I've missed something, but I'm curious why are have 2 config
> files?  Why not just move the conf.test4 to smb.conf?  I assume you are
> going to later be configuring multiple "servers"?  

In short, yes.   I tried to say this in my original message.  Sorry if I
wasn't able to make it clear here:

> > (If anyone is wondering why I bother with the 'netbios alias' line for
> > one netbios name, I tried this with three netbios aliases, expecting it
> > Just Work.  This is a simplified example.  If we can get this to work,
> > work my way back up ;-)

Basically, I want to keep %L in there, and have each virtual server handle a
different workgroup.  

But I can't get the workgroup setting read from any included files.  I
thought maybe the complexity of my original conf files was hiding something,
so I pared it down to this much simpler example in hopes that I could get it
to work and isolate my problem, but even this simple example doesn't work.

This especially troubles me because as far as I can tell, it is nearly the
same as the example given in "Running Samba"

I looked at this also with Samba 2.0.7 (instead of 2.2.2) and it behaves the
same way, not picking up the workgroup setting from the included file, and
in direct contradiction to the example given (unless I'm totally misreading
that example on O'Reilly's site, and in my copy of their boo--I would be
very happy to find out I missed something obvious!).

> It looks like the
> reason it can't find "/etc/samba/conf."  is because the %L substitution
> is missing the from the end - the "%L" part.  I would guess this is
> because you first specify "netbios alias".  

That error is from the instance of smbclient.  I can get rid of it by
specifying, for instance

"smbclient -s /etc/samba/conf.test4"

but the server side still fails to recognize the workgroup setting as I
would expect given the example.  Neither does specifying a workgroup from
the client side (with -W) prompt the server to work within the proper
workgroup.  It's not just in the top part of the smbclient response this
doesn't work, it also shows up further down in the body, where workgroups
and their domain master browsers our listed--my server gets listed as being
the domain master browser for the generic WORKGROUP rather than for the
specified "testwg".

> I would guess (never uesd
> the aliases myself)  that if you set the netbios name = test4 in the
> main smb.conf, and then set netbios alias = test4 in the include file
> that would work better.  But, it doesn't make sense to me to use the %L,
> since that is the netbios name, to define a virtual host for the netbios
> server you've already created, to be able to use the name?  So why not
> just leave the smb.conf empty, and use "include = /etc/samba/conf.test4"
> instead?  

because I want to put, for example, in smb.conf

	netbios alias = test3 test4 test5
	include = /etc/samba/conf.%L

and then have multiple configuration files conf.test3 conf.test4 conf.test5
etc, each in a different workgroup and with different settings.

Some I'd like to get running as primary domain controllers, behaving as an
NT PDC would, others just to help sync browse lists across networks disjoint
to smb broadcast traffic, and so forth.  I've got lots of different
situations to handle, and not so many machines, so I could really, really
use the flexibility of virtual servers, at least if I can get them to behave
the way I think they should.

> I wonder if the workgroup and netbios alias info in the
> smb.conf is confusing things.  So basically, I would say dump the
> workgroup and netbios alias entries from the smb.conf, and change your
> include line to include = /etc/samba/conf.test4, and see if that fixes
> things.

This works, if I only wanted to run one name.  But I really do want to be
able to run multiple virtual servers from one Samba process :-)

The sad thing is, that the virtual servers all seem to behave otherwise--I
can connect to each one of them in turn, they show up on browse lists, and
otherwise behave as if they were running each on its own machine, except for
the fact that they are in the WORKGROUP workgroup, rather than the one I
specify (eg, testwg3 testwg4 testwg5)


> Dan
> On Thu, 2001-12-06 at 17:48, D. Joe Anderson wrote:
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > The documentation I've read indicates that I should be able to get Samba
> > honor the value of the 'workgroup' variable as set from within an
> > virtual server configuration file.
> > 
> > Given the configuration files below, if I comment out the 
> > 
> >   "workgroup = testwg" 
> > 
> > line from the main configuration file (smb.conf), then a query of
> > the Samba server (with "smbclient -L test4 -U%") shows the server as
> > in the WORKGROUP workgroup, rather than the TESTWG workgroup that I
> > in conf.test4.  The server still responds, however, to the TEST4 netbios
> > name as specified in the included conf.test4 file.
> > 
> > The only thing I can see that might be amiss is the line
> > 
> >    Can't find include file /etc/samba/conf. 
> > 
> > When I run smbclient.
> > 
> > I would appreciate any pointers as to how I might get the workgroup
> > within the included file to be recognized.
> > 
> > --Joe
> > 
> > 
> > (If anyone is wondering why I bother with the 'netbios alias' line for
> > one netbios name, I tried this with three netbios aliases, expecting it
> > Just Work.  This is a simplified example.  If we can get this to work,
> > work my way back up ;-)
> > 
> > $uname -a
> > Linux 2.2.19-7.0.1 #1 Tue Apr 10 00:55:03 EDT 2001
> > i686 unknown
> > 
> > # rpm -q samba
> > samba-2.2.2-20011013
> > 
> > 
> > # cat smb.conf
> > 
> > # Global parameters
> >  
> > [global]
> >          workgroup = testwg
> >          netbios aliases = test4
> >          include = /etc/samba/conf.%L
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > # cat conf.test4
> > [global]
> >         workgroup = TESTWG
> >         netbios name = TEST4
> >         os level = 128
> >         domain master = yes
> >         local master = yes
> >         preferred master = yes
> >         security = user
> >         status = yes
> >         encrypt passwords = Yes
> >         update encrypted = Yes
> >         password level = 8
> >         smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd
> >         log file = /var/log/samba/%L
> >         log level = 4
> >         max log size = 50
> >         dns proxy = No
> >         wins server =
> >         wins proxy = yes
> >         guest account = ftp
> > 
> > >From the test4 log:
> > 
> >      135 [2001/12/06 17:42:50, 3] param/params.c:pm_process(579)
> >      136   params.c:pm_process() - Processing configuration file
> > "/etc/samba/smb
> >      136 .conf"
> >      137 [2001/12/06 17:42:50, 3] param/loadparm.c:do_section(2884)
> >      138   Processing section "[global]"
> >      139   doing parameter netbios aliases = webtest4
> >      140   doing parameter include = /etc/samba/conf.%L
> >      141 [2001/12/06 17:42:50, 3] param/params.c:pm_process(579)
> >      142   params.c:pm_process() - Processing configuration file
> > "/etc/samba/con
> >      142 f.webtest4"
> >      143 [2001/12/06 17:42:50, 3] param/loadparm.c:do_section(2884)
> >      144   Processing section "[global]"
> >      145   doing parameter workgroup = WEBTESTWG
> >      146   doing parameter netbios name = WEBTEST4
> >      147 [2001/12/06 17:42:50, 4]
> >      148   handle_netbios_name: set global_myname to: WEBTEST4
> >      149   doing parameter os level = 128
> >      150   doing parameter domain master = yes
> > 
> > # smbclient -L test4 -U% | less
> > Can't find include file /etc/samba/conf.
> > added interface
> > added interface ip=129.186.yyy.138 bcast=129.186.yyy.255
> > Got a positive name query response from ( )
> > Domain=[WORKGROUP] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 2.2.2]
> > 
> >         Sharename      Type      Comment
> >         ---------      ----      -------
> >         IPC$           IPC       IPC Service (Samba 2.2.2)
> >         ADMIN$         Disk      IPC Service (Samba 2.2.2)
> > 
> >         Server               Comment
> >         ---------            -------
> >         TEST4                Samba 2.2.2
> >         ANOTHERHOST          Samba 2.2.2
> > 
> >         Workgroup            Master
> >         ---------            -------
> >         WORKGROUP
> > 
> > 
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D. Joe Anderson, Ph.D             Computing Support for Botany, ZG, & BBMB.
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   1210 MBB, ISU, Ames, IA 5001
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