windows desktop redirection -> samba has problems

Andrew Bartlett abartlet at
Thu Dec 6 13:24:03 GMT 2001

Alexander Lazarevich wrote:
> we are redirecting the desktop by way of registry hacks in a default
> profile which we then store in the NETLOGON share on out NT server.
> Every user then grabs this default profile. the registry change i made is
> in:
> HKCurrentUser->Software->Microsoft->Windows->CurrentVersion->Explorer->UserShellFolders.
> This registry setting lets me redirect certain elements of the profile to
> any other place.
> I'm not sure if what you called "system policy" is the same thing as the
> registry hack i did. i guess im not familiar with system policies,
> although i do have a book on it, maybe i should read it....sigh....

System policies are just glorified registry hacks, applied automatically
at logon, to every user that logs on.
> what you say about upgrading samba seems right. you also mentioned
> "directory notification". is this an option in the smb.conf file? i looked
> in man pages for it from samba 2.2.2 and i couldnt find anyhting about it.
> or is this an intrinsic property of new samba verisons?

Most Samba features are 'intrinsic properties' of Samba - we don't see
much point in allowing most of these things to be turned off when all
that does is bloat man-pages and cause some dimwit to turn them off and
wonder why it doesn't work :-)

I think there is some control for how often a directory is rescaned for
changes - this is much assisted by the support in the Linux 2.4 kernel
for directory notification, but I don't think AIX has this extra

Andrew Bartlett

Andrew Bartlett                                 abartlet at
Manager, Authentication Subsystems, Samba Team  abartlet at
Student Network Administrator, Hawker College   abartlet at

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