Win2K weirdness

Philip Rinehart philip.rinehart at
Thu Dec 6 07:46:03 GMT 2001


We are continuing to analyze a very strange problem. Here's what's happening:

Users are mapping a network drive on logon, connecting to a RH 7.2 machine 
with SMB 2.2.1a running. The mapping fails about 50% of the time, sometimes 
working just fine other times not.

The password authentication is being passed to the PDC which is a Win2K 
server. For some reason when Samba sends the passwords it sometimes sends 
the correct passwords sometimes not. A successful login occurs with the 
"domain/id" with the password coming from the login variable that is set on 
successful login.

An unsuccessful login occurs with the "login/domain/id" so it is appending 
the "login".

We are using WindowsScripting host to map the drive. Net use works every time.

Philip Rinehart
ITS Academic Media & Technology
175 Whitney Avenue
New Haven, Connecticut 06520-8276
Mailto:philip.rinehart at
203-432-6573 (office) 203-436-4066 (fax)

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