WINS resolution with Samba 2.2.2

Allen Crawford AllenC at
Wed Dec 5 13:29:08 GMT 2001

I'm a newbie to this list and a newbie to Samba.  I've read some info on the
web and I'm trying to successfully set up Samba 2.2.2 on Debian 2.2r3.
Anyway, I've installed it just fine, it shows up on my NT4 domain just fine,
I can ping it (using WINS) and can even access a share on it.  However, I
cannot ping any computer on our LAN from the Linux box.  I've modified the
resolve order in smb.conf so that wins is listed first, followed by hosts,
lmhosts, bcast.  I've change the security mode from user to server and have
the correct domain down.  I basically followed the NT domain instructions
from this page: <> 

So, any tips would be greatly appreciated.  Also, if anyone is in the same
situation as me (NT 4 Domain, Samba 2.2.2 on Linux) please feel free to send
me your smb.conf files.

Thanks a lot,
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