Case preservation

Jean Frontin frontin at
Tue Dec 4 23:59:03 GMT 2001

I apologize but I am lost ...

I run samba 2.2.2 and solaris.
When I copy a file from my pc to solaris box I observe that the file name
is right when I mount my home by network neighbourhood.
But, when I connect to my solaris box via telnet and when I run a ls
command I observe that the file name becomes an upper case file name.

Thanks you for your help and I apologize, once again, for my english !

Jean Frontin                 * team system
I. R. I. T. UMR 5505         *
University Paul Sabatier     * phone  (33) 561 55 63 03
118, route de Narbonne       * fax    (33) 561 55 62 58
31062 Toulouse cedex 04      * e-mail frontin at
FRANCE                       *

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