Clipper with samba error

Anderson Sabadini anss2000 at
Tue Dec 4 17:23:04 GMT 2001

I configured a samba server in a machine with linux red hat kernel 2.4, all the programs for Windows work well, but a program in of the (compiled in clipper 5.01) he/she is giving mistake of in just a report that apartir of several dbf's is generated and the same creates a file of considerable size in the disk, when I enter in the option of this report, the times the program restraint and the times of the the message " corrupt detected " and " write error ", only that the rest of the program works right. 

Obs: When the server was in Windows, the program in clipper didn't present this problem 
Please help me  
   Anderson Sabadini  
   (anssjk at
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