Massive Virtual Drive, is it possible?

Angel Gabriel angel at
Tue Dec 4 12:29:01 GMT 2001

I'm new to the world of linux, and I was wondering if you could help me out. There reason, I'm come over to linux, is to try and create a massive virtual drive, that I could attacth to my servers, and have them use it. Speed is not essential, but functionality is. There are not that many people logging onto the network, only about thirty, and there are no mission critical applications (well yet, I got a MySQL server planned!). What I would like to do, it utilise our basment, which is FULL of oldish hardware, about 20 machines, and maybe change those machines into a massive virtual drive Each machine has between 4 - 10 gigs of hard drive space, and the extra space will definatly come in handy. ( We only currently use about 7 gigs between us) We are currently on a W2k network, and this amount of storage, would come in handy. Thanks in advance for any tips!
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