Newbie (groan... !) Client Problem

George at George at
Tue Dec 4 09:07:05 GMT 2001

I've studied the books, searched the list archives, etc.  I suspect there is
someone who can just tell me one thing to tweek, so I humbly beg your


I am playing with/learning Linux, intending to replace our two company
Netware servers sometime in the next 6 months.  At home, I have an NT4.0/SPC
PDC, an NT4.0/SP6 docked laptop, and an HP server with RH7.1 or 7.2 (2.4.??
kernel) loaded.  I added Samba & SWAT, fought with the box for a while (the
Red Hat default firewall setup keeps Samba from working ... grrr ...) and
was finally able to connect the laptop successfully to a share on the

I have essentially the same configuration on the network at our company,
with the addition of about 15 Win95/WIn98 boxes and the two Netware 4.1
boxes on the network.  All the Win95 boxes can see the Samba server just
fine, the NT PDC can see it, but my desktop NT4.0/SP6 box cannot. 

I can ping it, it can ping me, I can run SWAT, but SMBCLIENT cannot see my
workstation and my workstation cannot see SAMBA.  It is just my machine that
cannot connect.  All the Windows & NT boxes have TCP/IP, NETBEUI, NWLink
IPX/SPX, and NWLink NETBIOS loaded.  The Netware boxes are running only IPX.
At home, I may not have the NWLink stuff loaded; I don't recall.

I wiped out and reinstalled all the protocols on my workstation.  No joy.  I
have not tried to bring the laptop from home to see if it can see the SAMBA
server at work.  Probably something I should do tomorrow.

I even downloaded Ethereal and tried to look at the network traffic, but I
might as well have been looking at Chinese for all the good it did me.  The
only thing that did seem understandable was a transaction where my
workstation asked for the address of the computer at the SAMBA server's IP
address and did receive a response with the server's MAC address.  So at
that level they are talking.

Any ideas why just one system cannot see the SAMBA server?  Really generous
folks feel free to call on my toll free # 877-690-6300.

Geo. Anderson

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