"could not connect to host - localhost"

Christian Barth barth at cck.uni-kl.de
Tue Dec 4 00:06:04 GMT 2001

>          The first problem I've encountered is running testparm as 
> instructed in DIAGNOSIS.txt.
>          testparm smb.conf returns an error cannot find smb.conf
"testparm smb.conf" will only work if your current directory is the 
one with the smb.conf. Otherwiese you have to give the full path to 
the config file.

>          testparm without smb.conf returns a different error
this way testparm looks at the default place for the smb.conf, whitch 
is defined at compaile time.

>          Unknown parameter encountered: "use client driver"
>          Processing Section "[homes]"
>          Processing Section "[printers]"
>          Processing Section "[public]"
>          Loaded services file OK.
> I also hit enter and it gave me a dump of the service definitions. However, 
> it lists all of the defaults but is not what I see in my smb.conf file. It 
> is much shorter.
Usually smb.conf is shorter and you should see your enteries in 
smb.conf and the defaults of all other parameters as output of 
testparam. If you have set some thing in your smb.conf and it is not 
shwon by testparam, then you probably have to smb.conf's (and two 
sambas) on your box. Do a locate smb.conf to check (once your box has 
been up long enough to be sure that the database of locate is 
uptodate). Have you done a full install of Mandrake and then 
installed samba form the soures, with the rpm from samba.org? 

For the start I would ignore your "Unknown parameter" message: If you 
have written this parameter in to your smb.conf, delete it because 
your samba version is not new enough for this parameter. If it is a 
default from your install, its a not serious bug in the distribution. 
But the unknown parameter message indicates for me that you have a 
version missmach.

> >What does your smb.conf look like?
>          Can't copy it from the Linux box. Any suggestions how I might do 
> this?
If samba is not working you may use ftp to move files. Or disketts.

> >Are you using encrypted passwords?
>          Yes.
> >If yes: Have you set them up for the user?
>          How do I do that? I've tried creating users using the GUI but that 
> ain't working either :-(
As root:
smbpasswd -a user
probably followed by
smbpasswd -e user
(some samba versions had a bug were a new user was disabled by 
defautl, just to be sure). Note: The user must exist a unix-user, 
e.g. it must be in /etc/passwd. You may use adduser (or useradd) to 
do this. I don't know if the smbpasswd file must exist before the 
first user is created. If so, may be (I guess!!) a "touch smbpasswd" 
in the right directory may help, probably followed by setting the 
file permissions.

Hope to get you started


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