Incorrect password or unknown username

Hong ZHou hho at
Mon Dec 3 17:44:02 GMT 2001

Dear ALL:

I installed Samba2.0.7 on redhat6.2.  First I chose the security = user, then I always could not pass test 8 or test 9 from win2000.  The error message says either "access denied" or "Could not log int from the work station" while I am sure that the host allow parameter allows this computer.  Also I set "encrypt passwords = yes" and created a smbpassword file.  Did not help at all.  

Then I changed the security = share.  Now all those shared file folders show up on the win2000.  However, when I clicked on them, it always says "Incorrect password or unknown username".   The log.smb says "rejected invalid user guest" or "rejected invalid user nobody" if I turned the guest account off.

What did I do wrong? (also I have the same password and account on both linux and win2000).

Appreciate your help very much.

Hong Zhou
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