"could not connect to host - localhost"

Ron Woodall nor at htmlcompendium.org
Mon Dec 3 12:59:02 GMT 2001

Hi Christopher:

At 12:47 PM 12/3/01 -0800, Adams, Christopher wrote:

>That looks ok.  Now what does the /etc/hosts file say for your "hostname" 
>of this box you are working on?
,    abner.htmlcompendium.org. abner #primary windows 

>I'm trying to compose a list and strike out all of the 
>possibilities.  This is looking more and more like the KDE bug that I 
>first had thought it was.

         I'd love to compose the list myself. I'm usually the one giving 
the help.

         Thanks for all of this.


Ron Woodall
nor at htmlcompendium.org

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