"could not connect to host - localhost"

Adams, Christopher Chris.Adams at starbase.com
Mon Dec 3 11:32:06 GMT 2001

See here is the problem Ron.

In KDE versions older than 2.1.0,  Samba network browsing worked.
With the introduction of the new KDE 2.1.0+ the browsing was bugged.

So work arounds have been found.  One of them has been using LISA and

Give me a second and I will see if I can locate where Komba can be found in
KDE.  It's been a while since I last used it.  I'll respond back to you with
a location.

Christopher Adams
Sr. UNIX Network Admin.
Los Angeles, Ca.
Starbase Corp.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ron Woodall [mailto:nor at htmlcompendium.org]
Sent: Monday, December 03, 2001 11:25 AM
To: Adams, Christopher; Adams, Christopher; samba at lists.samba.org
Subject: RE: "could not connect to host - localhost"

Hi Christopher:

At 10:50 AM 12/3/01 -0800, Adams, Christopher wrote:

>Let me add this:
>You might want to use  "Komba2" instead of Lisa.

         I went looking and couldn't find "Komba2." The only thing I found 
about Lisa was a setup screen on the Control Panel but couldn't find 
anything else about it.

>It's simpler and very nice alternative.
>Also, LM8.1 Konqueror does not seem to work too well with LISa
>Just start it up and it will scan the network for windows shares Right
>clicking on a share will mount it (You will have to set the user name and
>password first of the remote windows machine)

         Can't even see the windows shares at the moment.

>After mounting a share in komba2 you can view the shares in Konqueror. A
>folder called komba will appear in your home directory with the remote
>windows shares within it.

         Hmmmm, see above.

         Thanks again for all your help.

         Ron Woodall

Ron Woodall
nor at htmlcompendium.org

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