"could not connect to host - localhost"

Ron Woodall nor at htmlcompendium.org
Mon Dec 3 11:18:18 GMT 2001

Hi Christopher:

         Thanks for the help.

At 10:44 AM 12/3/01 -0800, Adams, Christopher wrote:

>I think I know what your problem is Ron.
>Konqueror cannot browse unless you have set up BOTH Samba and
>  Lisa/Reslisa.
>Make sure you do both.

         Both are setup. I think :-}

>Also in the Kcontrol Panel, you'll need to supply a username and
>password that is valid on all of your Windows boxes... I.E. you've
>logged in at least once on the Windows boxes with this

         Is that the KDE Control Center? I can't find anything called 
"Kcontrol Panel"

>This should fix your problem.

         Nope. No change.

         Thanks for the help.

         Ron Woodall

Ron Woodall
nor at htmlcompendium.org

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